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Angular with angular material

Published: at 08:44 AM (1 min read)

Install Angular Material -

ng add @angular/material

The ng addcommand will install Angular Material, the Component Dev Kit (CDK)Angular Animations and ask you the following questions to determine which features to include:

  1. Choose theme custom or pre-built-in material themes.
  2. Set up global Angular Material Typography Styles.
  3. Set up browser animation for Angular material.

On Installation in angular project files

Finally need to import module in app.modult.ts to display the component.

Example :

import { MatSlideToggleModule } from "@angular/material/slide-toggle";

  imports: [MatSlideToggleModule],
class AppModule {}

And in app.component.html file and run the project

<mat-slide-toggle>Toggle me!</mat-slide-toggle>